How Success Can Be Like A Plant!
A little story about success..
The bell rings when you walk inside this quaint little shop.
The smell of freshly cut grass permeates the shop as you begin to look around.
Not knowing what to expect you look at all of the things this shop has. A young woman’s voice asks you if you need help? You turned around and see a beautiful woman standing there! You stare at her because she is so beautiful! Then you notice her name tag and her name is “Nature”
Nature? A pretty name for a beautiful woman! You tell her what you are looking for that you want to try a new hobby. Nature smiled and she quickly led me down the aisles.
She picked out a small clay pot
A small bag of dirt
Then she led me to where they kept the seeds on display. It looked like there were hundreds of different types of seeds. Nature told you to choose wisely as these seeds have tremendous power that can change a persons life!
You look at her and tell yourself “Wow! This girl is really into Gardening!”
As you look through the seed display you notice the names on the packet that carried the seeds. You read them to yourself.
Love, Hate, Depression, Bliss, Anger, Melancholy, Happiness, Sadness, Friendship