No One Is Going To Save You, You Have To Learn To Save Yourself.
Life is hard and at times cruel!
The statement “No one is going to save you.” when heard will send shivers down your spine. Why? Because deep inside we all know that we are alone in this world. That our whole life is the way it is because of the decisions we have made along the way until now.
It is so scary when you realize that you are the only person responsible for you and everything you do in it. Your Parents will not save you, your friends will not save you, your job will not save you etc, I can go on and on the further you go down that Rabbit Hole the more lonelier it gets. People may not even realize how alone they really are as they look for authority figures for answers and instead are made to decipher riddles which have no answers.
I came to recognize the “No one will come to save you.” statement while I was very young. Growing up in the Bronx you learn this statement very quickly as we see all the negativity around us and how many of the innocent get caught up in situations that they could not get out of. Many with hands up in the air praising God for help, yelling and screaming for so called community leaders to step up and help while blood, drugs and death fill those streets. While those people waited patiently for someone to come anyone in the end they were left to fend…