Member-only story
The Issue With Unemployed College Graduates In 2021
Its going to be a hard road for many of you!

There is a crisis now and its not a new crisis but a crisis that has been quietly growing in the back ground and like everything else when COVID hit it exposed many of the problems the United States have bee hiding for years.
I will speak from my experience as being a College Graduate I did some research on what was in demand at the time. Most College Grads tend to just look to be away form their Parents and live their lives free to do what they want, which is the wrong idea to pursue when looking for a college degree. College should not be a place for a person to find themselves, college is a place for you to learn skills that will help you get into a field you want to be in. In other words college should be viewed as a investment rather than a place to fond yourself.
If you are looking to find yourself may I advise you to go backpacking through Europe of join a group that helps children in poor countries so that you can find yourself. Doing that during college is and will be extremely expensive as the tuition is going up in price every year!
Many college graduates will have an issue to get jobs these days only because they either were studying a field where the jobs are limited as it is or because they chose a field of study because it was a easy thing to do. The easier and more common the field the harder it will be to find a job in that field because of the hundreds of thousands of people competing for that similar job.
Now and I hate to say this but the harder the field of study the better chance you will have a job in that field. For example like anything career field in STEM you will be able to find work as these career fields are in demand no matter where you go! The world is becoming more and more technical as time passes by! It bothers me that there is a shortage of Registered Nurses in the US and rather than Americans lining up and getting a degree in that field the Hospitals and Corporations will go overseas and hire qualified people and have them working here making excellent money! All because the average American does not want to study and go through stress in learning the Nursing field.